SEND & Local Offer

SEND at Christ Church C of E (c) Primary School

SENCO: Mrs Lorna Pennock

At Christ Church, we are committed to providing a fun, stimulating and inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils.

Each pupil at Christ Church is valued and supported, whatever their needs or abilities. We encourage our pupils to be aspirational, to strive for success and to make progress against their previous achievements.  Our aim is for every pupil to leave Christ Church as happy, skilled learners, with a desire to continue learning and be successful in life.

We utilise the expertise and experience of our staff to secure special educational provision for pupils who require support that is ‘additional to and different from’ that provided within our differentiated curriculum. Our provision addresses the four areas of need identified in the Code of Practice (September 2014):

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, mental and emotional health
  • Sensory/physical needs

External Link Support for Parents/Carers

The links listed below are to provide parents/carers with different options of specialist providers who can deliver specific provision for individual needs and/or family support.

SEND Support

The Staffordshire Local Offer:

ADHD advice and support:

Autism advice and support:

Dyslexia advice and support:

Family support

School Nurse:

Freephone 08081780611 option 1

Web link: Your school age child (5-19): Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (

Staffordshire Young People Service: 

Contact email:

Phone Number: 01782 418518

Website link: Stay Well CYP services for children & young people in Stoke-on-Trent (

Early Help:

Web link: Early Help – Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board (

Mental Health support

Action for children:

Website referral link: Make a referral — Staffordshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service (

Related information to SEND provision at Christ Church

SEND Information Report


SEND Policy


Local Offer


SEN Code of Practice
