Relationships – Resilience – Risk Taking – Reflective – Resourceful
Vision and Values
Respect • Care • Responsibility
At Christ Church we value ourselves, each other and the environment by showing respect, care and taking responsibility.
Alongside this, we strive to:
- Form strong relationships with both our peers and adults in school, looking after one another.
- Be reflective and taking responsibility for our learning.
- Show resilience towards any challenges that we face.
- Take risks so that we can aspire to be the very best learners, workers and members of society.
- Be resourceful, in challenging situations by using our problem solving skills.
Parent/Carer Questionnaires
We really value the thoughts and opinions of the parents/carers in our school community. At least once a year, we ask them to complete a survey about our school. The survey helps us to understand what we are doing well whilst enabling us to act upon any suggestions. This information can then be used to help our school to continue to be the best it can be.