The school provides a warm safe and happy environment for children to have their breakfast and play.
Information for parents:
- The club is open every day from 7.45am to 8.45am
- The cost is: £4.80 for 8am – 8.45am and £5.50 for 7.45am – 8.45am a day, including breakfast.
- We will provide a warm happy and safe environment for your child to have breakfast and play.
- Bookings should be made on a monthly basis although we will accept bookings at the last moment if there is room at the club.
- When booking the place you will be given a menu from which your child can chose their breakfast from a variety of options.
- If your child cannot attend breakfast club for whatever reason once the place has been booked the £4.80/£5.50 will still be charged. This is because staff hours have been booked and food ordered in advance.
- It is expected that the place(s) will be paid for in advance of the sessions (please see Julie Deans in the school office if this is an issue for you).