Our Church

Respect • Care • Responsibility

Click on our values below:

RelationshipsResilienceRisk TakingReflectiveResourceful

Our school community is underpinned by a strong, shared ethos of high expectations, enthusiasm for challenge, learning and our unique school values. These values guide our curriculum and enable strong links with our Church and community, building resilient learners who are well-equipped for the future.

At Christ Church our core Christian values underpin everything that we do. Our Christian character has a significant impact on academic achievement, personal development and well-being for all learners.

Click here to see the Church of England Vision for Education:  Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good.

School Prayer

Dear God,
Thank you for our school
Thank you for our friends
Thank you for life
Thank you for family
Thank you for Christ Church Primary School
Help us to be kind and helpful
Help us to do our best
Help us to be friends
Let us all be blessed

Our Christian Character

Our school thrives on close links to our parish Church:

  • Termly year group visits to Church for worship.
  • Church Representatives leading whole school worship.
  • Pupil-led worships held in Church for significant events in the Christian calendar.
  • Rich links with Lichfield Cathedral.

We ensure strong links within our curriculum:

  • Bible story links to our Big Question learning and school values.
  • Understanding Christianity materials taught in school.
  • Regular visits to Church from Reception onwards.
  • Many cross curricular links e.g. Music workshops and performances at Lichfield Cathedral.

Opportunities to be reflective:

  • Reflection areas in all classrooms.
  • Reflection time.
  • Pupil-led worship.
  • Daily collective worship in school.
  • Reflective learning encouraged in lessons.

Religious links within our Curriculum

At Christ Church we follow the Understanding Christianity Materials, further supplemented with the Staffordshire Religious Education syllabus as advised by the LDBE.  The children also receive many opportunities to learn about a wider range of religions, both through our curriculum, world religion days and worships. Please see the overview below for further information.

Whole School RE Overview