We are currently having two open mornings and conducting tours of the school for any parents/carers who would like their child to attend Christ Church in one of our Reception classes in September 2025. The open mornings are:
Thursday 26th September 9.15am – 10.30am
Tuesday 5th November 9.15am – 10.30am
In addition to this, weekly visits take place on a Thursday morning at 9.30am. If you would like to attend one of these, please ring the school office on 01543227210
In Year Admissions
Any parent/carer who wishes to complete an in-year transfer to Christ Church C of E Primary should complete this application form and forward this to contact@christchurch-lichfield.staffs.sch.uk
School will advise parents of the outcome of their in-year application within 10 school days but at the very latest within 15 school days.
Alternatively you can contact the school office on 01543 227210 for more information.