Whilst the number and type of curricular visits are subject to change, there would normally be at least one curricular activity per year group each term. There would also be other activities which are “one-offs” where the School is invited to take part in an event for example, the Lichfield Festival.
Lichfield and the surrounding area
- All year groups access the wide variety of opportunities in the area. The area around the School is used to deliver a wide variety of programmes.
- The City of Lichfield is a valuable resource on our door step providing enhancement across all areas of the curriculum.
- As a Church School, we also work closely with our parish church and with the Cathedral.
- We also use visitors and “themed days” to support our curriculum so the cost of transport is reduced.
Visits requiring transport
- All year groups consider venues beyond the immediate environment. The majority of these visits will be part of the creative curriculum and add to or initiate the theme.
- Care will be taken regarding costings and all visits require the Headteacher’s permission.
- Transport will be booked with firms approved by Staffordshire County Council.
- All trips are booked and led following the guidance in the School Visits Policy.
Non curricular visits
- Occasionally the school will run trips for entertainment for example a football trip, choir concerts. visit to a theme park and Christmas treats.
Residential trips
- At Christ Church, we offer several opportunities for the children to take part in a residential experience.
- Year 4 are offered a two night, three day residential experience.
- Year 6 are offered a four night, five day residential experience at a Staffordshire Outdoor Education Centre.
- The centres will vary from year to year and the School will endeavour to use two different centres to offer the children a range of experiences.