Wrap Around Care staff are all fully qualified or are very experienced child care professionals. Several staff are qualified in paediatric first aid, providing continuous cover. In addition, food hygiene level two certificates are held as required for the serving of snacks and light supper.
Throughout the session we provide a broad range of activities for the children to enjoy in all years. There are adult led art and craft activities that take place each evening, outside games, board games, dressing up, imaginative play, puzzles, lego, building blocks, a relaxing corner, reading, modelling, nintendo DS games, ipads, kindles fire, xbox 360 games for years five and six, gardening, exploring the environmental area during the summer months, movie nights and much more. The options are rotated and vary according to the weather and individual children’s needs.
Our aim is to deliver a quality service which is friendly, welcoming and fun within a safe and stimulating environment that reflects the needs and protects the rights of all our children.
Wrap Around Care Staff (after-school club)
- Mrs Draycott – Wrap Around Care Manager
- Mrs Campbell
- Mrs Bourne
- Mrs Draycott
- Mrs Harvey
- Mrs Hall
- Mrs Coop
- Mrs Fox
- Mrs Parkes
- Mrs Smith
Throughout each session, children are provided with a snack and a drink. Snack is served from 3.30pm through to 5pm, giving each child the choice of when they come and get their snack. However all children do get reminded to come and choose something for their snack, as playing with friends can be distracting. A selection of fruit and a jug of water is available through until 6pm each evening.
Children can use the outdoor areas throughout the year, weather permitting. We make use of the school playground, trim trail, Christ Church Sports Centre and the field. If the weather is against us during the session, we set up an indoor area in the hall, where activities such as football, tennis, badminton and bowling take place. This enables all the children who are outdoor fans the opportunity to still play their much loved sports. Movie nights take place when the weather is bad, or it is the last week of term. Children who sit beautifully during the register are noticed and get picked to choose a selection of films for the whole group to choose. Throughout Wrap Around Care we work alongside school, communicating with class teachers and following the schools behaviour policy and procedures.
At Christ Church Wrap Around Care we have introduced a light supper, this is available for children who are booked in with us after 5.15pm. The menu is rotated on a three week basis, so every night is a different meal. If you are interested in booking a light supper place, please contact Mrs Deans in the school office, or alternatively speak to Mrs Draycott during session time.
We ask that if your child is not going to be attending the session due to going to a friends house, or appointments, could you please tell Mrs Draycott beforehand. You will still need to collect your child from Wrap Around to ensure staff know where children are at all times. You can inform your child’s teacher of any changes to original collection times by writing a note or by leaving a message with the school office to notify the Wrap Around Care staff. If you arrange for someone else to collect your child from Wrap Around Care and they are not listed on the child’s details, we ask that you inform Mrs Draycott or the school office, leaving a brief description of who will be collecting and time in which your child will be collected. We will also ask you to provide a password for the person collecting your child.
Activities are planned for on a long term basis. Topics change from month to month, leaving each week exploring something new.