Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Aims

We believe in providing opportunities that ensure all our pupils love learning. We recognise that children thrive when they have an active in their learning.

Our Christ Church Curriculum provides a coherent, broad and balanced education for all pupils from EYFS to Year 6; ensuring every child gains the knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. Through high quality teaching pupils are able to develop their knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills; applying these in relevant situations.

At all times, we ensure that every child’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is supported through a range of learning and enrichment opportunities.


We are proud of the high-quality learning outcomes with which our children leave Christ Church.

The starting point is our curriculum: what we teach and how we teach it. As a school, we are always striving towards even higher outcomes, not just in our results, but in how we shape our children as learners, ready for adult life according to our school vision.

Phonics and Reading at Christ Church

Phonics: In EYFS and Key Stage 1 we teach phonics every morning using a programme called ‘Bug Club’. Bug Club provides our teachers with an understanding of where the children are in their reading journey; allowing them to allocate appropriate reading books for the children to access both in school and at home. Through Bug Club the children experience both physical books and electronic books (e-books). 

Progression in reading: As the children across school become more fluent readers, they move from Bug Club onto Accelerated Reader which they access for the rest of their reading journey at Christ Church.

Maths at Christ Church

At Christ Church we strive for all children to develop into confident, quick and competent mathematical thinkers and to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge in a range of challenging and stimulating situations. Our aim is that all children develop a positive and confident attitude to mathematics, enjoy mathematics and reach their full potential as mathematicians.

Maths is taught daily across the whole school using a wide range of resources. Lessons begin with a short Basic Skills session as an opportunity to recall knowledge from previous weeks, terms and years.



If you would like to speak to anyone regarding our school curriculum, please feel free to contact the school office to arrange a meeting with either your child’s class teacher or Amy Stonier who is our Curriculum lead.